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Amplifying the voices of Black racial minorities in mental health research through public involvement and engagement: The importance of advisory roles
Please read a new article recently published in Health Expectations titled ‘Amplifying the voices of Black racial minorities in mental health research through public involvement and engagement: The importance of advisory roles.’ “Ensuring adequate representation

Research Methods Toolkit
The Research Methods Toolkit has been developed by the Marginalised Communities and Mental Health programme at the ESRC Centre for Society and Mental Health. Across the website you will find high-quality, engaging resources that discuss

HSEC Residency at Science Gallery London
The Health and Social Equity Collective are in residency at the Science Gallery London throughout 2023. The residency gives the Collective the opportunity to creatively explore research questions through events that convene members of the

HSE Collective Workshop – December 2022
On Thursday 1st December the HSE Collective held it’s first in-person/hybrid meeting at Science Gallery London. The core team were joined by Collective members, peer researchers and wider networks with lived experience of health and social

Recommendations for Trans*-Inclusive Healthcare
In the Spring of 2022, a group of trans* researchers came together to think about some of the challenges that young people face in accessing gender-affirming therapies within the NHS services of England. Through engaging

Ethnic Inequalities in Later Life
Ethnic inequalities in later life”, is funded by the Nuffield Foundation, and led by Laia Becares, working in collaboration with Dharmi Kapadia and James Nazroo (University of Manchester). This project builds on existing research that

We Need To Talk About Discrimination, Bullying & Harassment at Work
Written by: Nkasi Stoll and the Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in health Services (TIDES) study team What is this study about? This study is part of the Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in health Services

Striving For Equity – Mental Health Support for Young LGBTQ+ People
Around one in eight children and young people in the UK have a clinically diagnosable mental health disorder. This means that in the average classroom three children will be struggling with their mental health. Untreated,
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